Top 10 OnPage SEO Techniques | Types | On-page vs Off-page SEO

Every business looks forward to gaining new audiences and customers online. Search Engines is one of the best platforms for potential source audiences. Search engine optimization or SEO contains a list of techniques or methods that effectively increase your rank on search engines. 

Check out the top 10 onpage seo list that need to be performed every day on a website to find better ranking and increase the live audience.

There are various web development platforms found in the market. Search engine optimization or SEO is a mandatory element that needs to be done on a website to increase visitors. New visitors on the website could turn customers with the help of our detailed information. Therefore, it is necessary either to hire a professional or outsource services to perform activities regularly.

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What is SEO?

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a process that needs to be done on every website to rank on search engines. There are plenty of companies or sites offering similar or the same information about your product or content. Beating your competitors on search engines play a vital role because it helps in more and active audiences.

Setting our objective is a crucial step that needs to be done in the initial stages of the SEO activity. There are tons of SEO activities that need to be performed on a website. Based on the objective, the strategy would be designed. 

SEO is classified into two categories, such as Onpage and OffPage SEO. Both heads towards a different direction, but ultimately reaches the same objective. It is essential to know and understand the difference between off-page and Onpage SEO Techniques in seo to use the right logic.

On-page Vs. OffPage Optimization

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Why is SEO important?

Not every company prefers working with the same set of clients for a long time. Hence, it is necessary to expand the client base with the help of various sources. To extend the organization on a global level, it is essential to stay active in online platforms. Search engines are one of the best places to reach the right audience with a minimal budget. 

Performing SEO on the website also improves reputation because it helps increase audiences from different countries. Doing SEO activities regularly plays a vital role because it allows you to maintain consistency while ranking on search engines.

How SEO is performed on a website

As we have spoken earlier, there are two different sorts of SEO activities (on-page and off-page) on a website. Both Off-page and onpage SEO techniques are usually based on the business objective because there are multiple ways of working. 

Both Off-Page and Onpage seo strategy requires professionals because they would accurately complete the necessary tasks. Some of the instructions needed to keep in mind while working on a website SEO would be

  • Adding and Removing Links
  • Adding MultiMedia elements

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Top 10 OnPage SEO Techniques 


lity Content

Content is rightly known as the king of marketing. It does not matter whether it\’s digital marketing or offline marketing. Digital Marketing does not have a massive room for errors while working to optimize for search engines. 

It is necessary to have plagiarism free content with high quality because it helps you rage through ranking quickly. Any discrepancies in handling material could lead to a massive loss of search engine ranking.

Meta Descriptions and Titles

Meta Descriptions and titles are the actual communication with search engines. It is important to give precise information with character limitation because excessive content could lead to a penalty from search engines. 

Only an experienced and trained SEO professional comes up with a mixture of keywords in a meaningful way. A perfect optimization title and descriptions add power to the race of reaching higher rankings on any search engine.

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Heading and Content Optimization

Having a plag free and error-free content is not everything while optimizing the page for search engine ranking. Before tuning any content or page on the website, it is necessary to list keywords to focus on. It is crucial to optimize the content and the heading on the page based on the target keywords.

Optimizing content and heading on a blog post or a page carries a strategy. Keep the plan in place because it helps you in defining other parts of the optimization process effectively.

Internal Links

Connecting website pages and posts internally play a vital role while optimizing the website. Every user requires information on two or more products while buying because it helps them to compare based on the necessity. 

Linking the right page or pages with multiple products helps in decreasing the bounce rate. A regular decrease in bounce rate allows in increasing google ranking from time to time.


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External Links

External links also play an essential role, like internal linking. Every page requires an external link because it helps search engines to rank the right page accordingly. Different kinds of external linking strategies followed, but providing the link externally enables you to determine the page worth correctly.

External links help the pagerank up and offer a source to find more information. It gives an extra opportunity to decrease backlinks and optimizes the page in a better way.

URL Optimisation

A Uniform resource locator or URL is another important factor in SEO. Search engine optimization focusses on multiple factors, and the URL plays a vital role while performing. Optimizing URL with the help of the target Keyword enables the post or the page to rank up naturally. It is essential not to have a long URL while setting up because it could lead to a penalty from search engine algorithms.

Image Alt tags and title optimization

It is a known fact that search engines provide an option to search links, pages, maps, and so on. Some of the users are known to search through images and reach the page accordingly. Optimizing images with the help of Alt tags and titles gives enough room to rank in image searches. 

Images provide an additional advantage by not having too many competitors on the search engine. Do take leverage on this element and optimize to gain organic visitors slowly.

Mobile Friendliness

Most of the people in the current generation prefer using mobile phones while searching because of convenience. It is built with mobile-friendly elements because it ranks better than the other way around. Mobile friendly pages have better chances of ranking on search engines because mobile users visit those pages through search engines.

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Page Loading optimization

Considering the average bandwidth for every country, Search engines determine the page load to provide a better experience. Have fewer images and high loading elements on the website because it helps in loading the page quickly. 

Most of the SEO professionals prefer to decrease the load on the website as much as possible. Reducing pressure on the website helps in avoiding any kind of penalties from google while ranking.

Page Content optimization

Page content optimization requires intensive research on Keywords because of obvious reasons. There are two different kinds of keywords, such as primary and secondary keywords. People need to consider both primary and secondary keywords strategically. 

Placing all the relative keywords with quality interlinking and external links is sufficient for Google to crawl and rank effectively.


Every organization prefers to build a website because it helps them reach clients or consumers from different parts of the world. There are a wide range of competitors found generally for all businesses. 

Outranking your competitors helps you get attracted because it allows the posts to reach the top position effectively. The above list of onpage seo techniques gives enough room to rank in search engines based on the keyword and its competition.

Do you want to rank your website on top of search engine? Let us help you and you can rely on our team of specialists to assist you in developing a personalized SEO plan that will help your company flourish online. Contact us today to learn more about how our comprehensive digital marketing services may help you expand your business.

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